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Quick and Easy Blueberry Vodka Cocktails

Posted by Mongoose Media on
Quick and Easy Blueberry Vodka Cocktails


4 tbsp Walden Farms Blueberry Syrup

1 cup ice, crushed

1 ½ ounces vodka, chilled

3 ounces sparkling water (or soda water)

1 squeeze lemon, optional

4-6 blueberries, for garnish


  1. Fill an 8-ounce glass with crushed ice.
  2. In a cocktail shaker, add more crushed ice, Walden Farms Blueberry Syrup, vodka, and sparkling water. Shake well and pour it into the glass.
  3. Garnish with blueberries, a squeeze of lemon, or a lemon slice if desired.

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